Cartel Case Initiation

Competition agencies worldwide are in agreement that cartel conduct is the most egregious of competition law offences and the detection, investigation and prosecution of cartel behaviour is a priority in every such agency. Since cartels are typically shrouded in...

Investigative strategy and interviewing

The purpose of this chapter is to examine the use and relevance of strategy in anti-cartel investigations. The chapter draws together established practices, research and legal issues relevant to investigative strategy and highlights the experiences of a number of...

Interviewing techniques

The purpose of this chapter is to examine the question of interviewing and its place and importance in cartel investigations. It attempts to draw together established practices, research and law on the subject of interviewing and to highlight the experiences of a...


The Workbook follows on from the ‘ICN Project on Merger Guidelines’, a comparative study of merger guidelines discussed at the ICN’s second annual conference in Merida in 2003 and finalised for the 2004 conference in Seoul. 2 The study concluded that –...